Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Windows 7 Tip: Trick for Windows 7 - Accessing through Defragmentation Tool-Right Click Menu

Defragmentation Tool access via Right-Click Menu: Do you want to access the menu for your drives quickly mendefragment? Addition via the Start menu, programs, etc., use this simple tweak, which adds to the context menu Defrag for each partition or hard disk .

STEP 1: Open regedit.exe through the start menu search or run, and then navigate to the following key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Drive \ shell.

STEP 2: You need to create a new key in the shell and name it "runas", and then fill in the (Default) value to "Defragment". If you want to hide this menu item through the Shift key right-click menu, then add a new string called Extended without the required value.

STEP 3: After this, you must create a key named "command" and the contents of the default value to defrag% 1-v, which is the command to run defrag with the default option but show verbose output.

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