Sunday, September 12, 2010

Optimize and improve the performance of Windows 7 with EnhaceMySe7en

For those who've tried Windows 7 Beta or RC can definitely see the difference in performance compared to Windows Vista or XP.Namun big problem with all windows operating system is the decrease in performance during a specific period.

There is a freeware that can be used to tweak, optimize and control many aspects of Windows 7, namely EnhaceMySe7en. It has all the features necessary to maintain the Windows 7 in perfect condition.

EnhaceMySe7en have a device that can handle the registry, defragmenting your hard disk, the software is installed, HDD temperature and other aspects related to the performance of the system. Also there are many other options to help improve your system's performance.
Features of EnhaceMySe7en for Windows 7 Features EnhaceMySe7en for Windows 7.

Process Identification - Identify unrecognized software
Start-Up Management - Disable unessential software to improve performance
Registry Cleaner - To inspect and repair the registry is wrong.
Disk Cleaner-looking useless folders that meet the disk space.
Registry Defragmenter - rebuilds and re-index your registry to reduce response time and registry access time.
Disk Defragmenter - Reduces the system file fragmentation
Hard Drive Monitor - monitor a variety of disk parameters
System Tools, Files, Network and Security Tools
Security - easy to configure new security features in Windows 7
Customization - customize desktop, menus, toolbars.
Network - Optimize Internet connection speed
Can be downloaded here

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